“By means of the 22 letters, God made the soul of all that which has been created”

-the Book of Creation

“People and their stories are my inspiration. My art only makes visible what was already there before.”

— Gabriel Wolff

Tattoos and their stories

How we work

I believe that each tattoo should be a piece of art, telling the story of the person who wears it.

In order to make that possible, I have joined forces with a linguist and a biblical scholar, as well as a 3D artist, as well as two ladies who keep everything in order. Each of us 5 people is an artist on his own right.

Over the last 10 years, we have developed a unique and elaborate workflow, in oder to make true and honest Jewish art on skin a thing. Please read about how we work.

Why Hebrew Letters?

Hebrew letters are all around us from day one, no matter where we grow up. In Jewish mysticism, letters are considered to be kind of the atoms of creation. It is said that if one letter should disappear from the alphabet, the world would collapse. Regardless of what you think about that concept, on a personal level, it is a notion quite a few generations before us have dedicated their lives to. 

It is our roots.

And I deeply believe in roots. 

Not in the traditional sense of a demand to "stick to what has been done before". But rather in the sense off "digging in my own garden". Having lived in four different countries, four different languages, four different cultural contexts has sensitised me to the power of the cultural context we are born into. What our parents thought, the way our grandparents lived, the food our great grandparents ate, all these things have a direct and powerful yet often hidden and disguised impact on us. It doesn't mean that we should unappeasably stick to those things. But we will inevitably build upon them and when attempting to "dig deep", it is first and foremost the reality of our ancestors that we find.

And in our specific case, that reality is bathed in and driven by Hebrew letters. So Hebrew letters is where I choose to start digging, time and again. 

We’re Jewish. Letters are important to us. For the last 2000 years, every (male) Jew learned how to read when they were three.

Gabriel Wolff

The Blog

Please check out Gabriel’s latest post, to find out more about his thoughts on art, life, tattoos and all things Jewish. Or check out the blog, directly.