Hebrew Tattoos and Jewish visibility [as if October 7 never happened]
A few thoughts about Jewish visibility and how it influences our self perception and collective identity.
Aren’t Hebrew Tattoos cultural appropriation?
A few thoughts about why Jewish tattooing is definitely cultural appropriation. And why that's a misleading claim. And why William Shakespeare is pissed, ever since 1961.
The Venice Biennale and diversity
A few thoughts about the Venice Biennale and how diversity is becoming an oppressive, limiting discourse.
Are stories dead?! Hebrew Tattoos and a Crisis of Narration
The way we tell our stories is the way weunderstand ourselves. But what if stories disappear from our lives?
But aren't tattoos a sin? Aren't you all going to hell?
A few thoughts about why Jewish tattooing is definitely a sin... and still probably a good idea.
Passover and what is freedom?
So what is that Freedom we’ll be celebrating in a few days? A different reading of the question that probably has a different answer, each generation.
Placing a tattoo
I like to start conceptualizing any tattoo project by considering its placement. Here is why.
Cover up tattoos
A few thoughts and guidelines for you, if you are looking for a calligraphy cover up tattoo
"The Beauty of the Hebrew Letter" by Izzy Pludwinski
My work got published in Izzy Pludwinksi's newest anthology of Hebrew lettering.
Legibility of calligraphy as an art form
Why I often strip letters of their most basic function: conveying a message.
I am an artist. Am I a designer?
A few thoughts about difference between an artist and a designer, thought that might be relevant for our collaboration.
On Deers and Clearings
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can’t help falling in love with Heidegger’s concept of being, exploring how human existence is defined by our awareness of our own being in the world.
Anarchism and the Desert
Anarchism, the way from Jerusalem to the dead Sea through the desert and what freedom meant back then when I was 20.
And what it means now, at the ripe age of 40.
A brief reflection on the antisemitism I’ve encountered within my close circles. It was something I felt compelled to address, if only to clear my mind.