Prophetess נְבִיאָה

tattooed by: Aleksandra Stojanoska at Iris Tattoo, Miami, USA

This work is inspired by Kristi, who shared her thoughts with me about wanting an artistic tattoo of the word "prophet."

"I once heard a trauma researcher say that when survivors of sexual abuse heal, they become the prophets of our world. These survivors have been strangers to society and even their own bodies for so long, they're able to see into the systems and hierarchies of our culture which perpetuate abuse. If these 'prophets' find their voice, they will use it to change the world. Since then, I've been on a journey to recover. The way a triangle is tripartite yet whole, my heart, mind, and body are no longer fragmented—they are one. The word 'prophet' reminds me that, like my Creator, I'm a maker too: an artist, a writer, an activist, a dreamer. I am indeed finding my voice, and I want to use it to help others find theirs."